A Roadmap for Action

When Unicef Sweden wanted to secure children’s rights in Swedish companies’ global operations, they asked Tinyglobe to develop an effective way to make top management understand the need for compliance. The result was a series of somewhat unusual communication tools – with the child’s rights at the center. As part of the communication package, TinyglobeContinue Reading

The first UN E-book

To complement the release of a new update, Tinyglobe pitched the proposal to turn UNDP’s successful book ‘Blir världen bättre?’ into an e-book. Said and done. At the book fair in Gothenburg, it was displayed on a standing table in the UN family’s stand.

Huduma Means Services

Philip Thigo grew up in Kibera, the largest slum in Nairobi. After studying at Princeton and working abroad, he decided to move back to Kenya and use his skills in mobile technology to promote democracy, civil participation, and political accountability. Together with a brilliant team of developers and democracy and people’s rights advocates, he developedContinue Reading

Talking About Sexual Rights

When sexual rights are respected, individuals are empowered to make choices that can affect and improve their lives and societies. This is why sexual rights are human rights and essential from a development perspective. There’s a clear link between poverty and unmet sexual and reproductive rights. To highlight this, Tinyglobe helped produce and write aContinue Reading

Popular Annual Report

When Tinyglobe was commissioned to present the Swedish agency Sida’s annual results and priorities – personal stories, pictures, and concrete results were given components. With the actual numbers having to be a central part of the report, Tinyglobe put a special effort into highlighting the operations from a human perspective. This turned out to beContinue Reading

Here’s the Good News

The magazine ‘The World’s Best News’ was created to highlight positive global development trends in a news world that is otherwise often focused on crises and global challenges. The aim was to instill hope that change is possible – if we work together. Tinyglobe was part of the editorial team and was also present onContinue Reading

Challenging Our Worldview

When Tinyglobe worked as an image editor and part of the editorial team of the book ‘Blir världen bättre,’ the pictures from the UN media database formed an essential part of the narrative. This began a new focus on image and text to convey crucial facts about the world. Tinyglobe would like to acknowledge thatContinue Reading