Life-affirming Nudging Tools

At Tinyglobe, we’re not unreflectively enthusiastic about contributing to developing more apps. It’s obvious we already spend way too much time with our smartphones. Still, we’re brimming with creative ideas that can significantly enhance our well-being. We envision applications that gently nudge us to take small yet impactful steps towards a life filled with lessContinue Reading

With the Body in Mind

Sometimes, acting on a gut feeling is wiser than a reasoning mind. But what does that have to do with tech? This will be crystal clear when we present our Femtech project that aims to save women’s lives.

Friendly AI

Generative AI may present possible threats but can equally present tremendous opportunities. Tinyglobe focuses on the latter and invests in laboratoryizing our ideas, where benevolent AI helps contribute to a better world. Cocky as we are, we think we’re on to something… But right now, we’re not revealing more than that.