60 Years of Cooperation

In 2013 the Swedish development co-operation with seven countries ended. Tinyglobe was commissioned to highlight some of the results achieved.

Development Talks is a forum for knowledge and debate on global development issues organized by the Swedish development agency Sida.

In December 2013, the Swedish bilateral cooperation with seven countries, China, India, Indonesia, Namibia, South Africa, and Vietnam, ended.

The exhibition Tinyglobe helped produce was part of the Talks conference organized to highlight the numerous results achieved through partner-driven cooperation with these seven countries.

With Human Stories in Focus

What happens when you highlight the people behind budget numbers – when development assistance money gets a human face?

The website sida.se is one of Sweden’s largest government sites. During 2008 and 2009, the website underwent a significant transformation involving changing the technical platform and developing a new concept, content, and design.

Tinyglobe was there to project lead this work. Teamworking with a bunch of brilliant people, we managed to launch the new site within less than a year!

For Peace and Security

The cooperation in the United Nations is both unique and central for a safer and more peaceful world.

No organization can be said to represent all world countries in the same way as the United Nations. The cooperation in the UN is thus both unique and central to creating a safer and more peaceful world.

UNA Sweden works for a better and stronger UN. In Sweden, the association reviews the Swedish government’s commitments under UN conventions, performs advocacy, conducts fundraising to support UN field work, and informs and educates about the UN.

For several years, Tinyglobe has helped UNA Sweden promote its essential work, among other things, by producing various exhibitions

A Roadmap for Action

A fold-out pocket folder can be the trick to get initiatives for children's rights started.

When Unicef Sweden wanted to secure children’s rights in Swedish companies’ global operations, they asked Tinyglobe to develop an effective way to make top management understand the need for compliance. The result was a series of somewhat unusual communication tools with the child’s rights at the center.

As part of the communication package, Tinyglobe produced a pocket folder. Easy to carry and easy to be lit from!

Book Fair Exhibition

The annual Book Fair in Gothenburg usually attracts around 100,000 visitors. In connection with the UN's 70th anniversary, Tinyglobe produced a photo-based timeline exhibition for the fair.

Facilitating Discussion

Sometimes, it's hard to know where to start when you need to discuss violations of children's rights.

When Unicef Sweden wanted to secure children’s rights in Swedish companies’ global operations, they asked Tinyglobe to develop an effective way to make top management understand the need for compliance. The result was a series of somewhat unusual communication tools with the child’s rights at the center.

To spur serious discussions about children’s rights and how companies must ensure that they don’t violate the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Tinyglobe developed a series of case card.

Infotainment with Global Facts

What could be more effective in acquiring new knowledge than having fun doing it?

Who said knowledge acquisition couldn’t be fun? The site Världskoll presents global facts entertainingly to attract students and people to learn more about the world.

Tinyglobe helped with content development and SEO with the result being that some articles ranked higher than Wikipedia.

Did we learn a lot? Absolutely!

Education – a Right for Everyone

All girls and boys should be guaranteed a completed primary school education by 2030. This is a promise made by the Global Goals.

Free school meals are an effective tool for getting more children to attend school. In collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme, WFP, UNA Sweden runs the project “Skolmat” to help get more children to school.

Tinyglobe was commissioned to help develop a traveling exhibition highlighting the project. The goal was also to create knowledge and support for securing and ensuring all children’s right to education.

Bringing Global Stats to The Classroom

Gapminder data, travel reports, and challenging group exercises on poverty and wealth – these were some of the successes behind the platform 'BVB'.

In May 2013, Sweden’s first digital school platform, focusing on global statistics and developments in the world, was launched as a part of the campaign site millenniemalen.nu.

The platform, which rapidly became a great success, was a collaboration between the UNDP Nordic offices, Den Globala Skolan, and the author and lecturer Staffan Landin.

In partnership with the abovementioned parties, Tinyglobe was responsible for the platform’s concept development, production, editorial development, and digital marketing.

With the Body in Mind

Tech geeks who love body communication – it may sound strange, but it's completely logical.

Sometimes, acting on a gut feeling is wiser than a reasoning mind. But what does that have to do with tech?

This will be crystal clear when we present our Femtech project that aims to save women’s lives.

Think Big Think Data

Data-driven web development is one of many reasons why it's so enjoyable to work with Sweden's most prominent student housing company.

Stockholms studentbostäder is a foundation run by, for, and with students.

That their primary target group is digital in thousands is no exaggeration. This naturally demands high competence in creating the best possible digital user experience.

Here, Tinyglobe participates in data-driven web development and project leads the development of new applications. Several projects are underway right now, so if you’re interested in seeing what one of the student housing market’s hottest players is up to, keep an eye on Stockholms studentbostäder!

Friendly AI

Everyone needs dream projects. Friendly AI is the area where we allow ourselves to dream big and work wild.

Generative AI may present possible threats but can equally present tremendous opportunities. Tinyglobe focuses on the latter and invests in laboratoryizing our ideas, where benevolent AI helps contribute to a better world.

Cocky as we are, we think we’re on to something…

But right now, we’re not revealing more than that.